Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Flood is Receding!!

The water is going down!  I can't believe how happy I am about that simple fact.  Today we are going to attempt to help our friends retrieve the items that we couldn't get out when we had to emergency evacuate their house.  At the highest point the water reached almost up to the windows on their trailer which means that the water was about 4 feet high out there for quite a while.  They are going to rent another place here in town, but this time it is going to be one in town and not out on a ranch.  I am really glad that they were able to find another place here and that they will not be moving. 

Simple blessings in life seem so much more vivid in times of difficulty.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that the water is receding. It definitely sounds scary.
